My name is Darius Foodeei and this is a blog I hope to update relatively frequently. I’m currently a computer science undergraduate at EPFL (école polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne). Interests of mine include artificial intelligence, the human brain as well as it’s intersection with computers. I’m currently learning about machine learning and artificial intelligence and I will be documenting my journey and hopefully dimistifying some terms and subjects I find interesting along the way. I’m currently doing the famous Stanford course from Andrew Ng entitled “Machine Learning Optimization” to iron out the basics before moving on to more intricate and complex subjects. If you already have a strong background in Linear Algebra, Calculus and Programming I highly recommend this as a starting point. I will also use this blog to talk about other subjects I find interesting such as self development, economics and building a promising and exciting future. I will link my social media and email for you to reach out if you have any questions or find some inconcistencies in my posts.